mobility ecosystem

Profesional Achivements

1. ITE Project of The Year 2015: Innovative Mobility Master Plan for Toronto’s Planning Areas, Annual General Meeting, Toronto ITE, December 2015.

Description: The aim of new mobility ecosystem model is to build capacities and competencies as well as enable municipal authority to quantify and accurately model the potential impact and benefits of various innovative mobility strategies. The model was applied to multiple planning areas in the City of Toronto and other municipalities in Greater Toronto Region. The findings of the plan is expected to significantly alter the strategy of land development and inform municipal officials while correctly identifying the quantity and cost of new mobility paradigm - “Mobility as a Service” and assist gradually moving away from private-vehicle ownership transportation system.

2. Special Prize for from MIT Media Lab for "Innovative Mobility Master Plan: Connecting Multimodal Systems with Smart Technologies", Disrupting Mobility Summit, 2015 (MIT Media Lab, UC, Berkeley, London School of Economics, & Berlin Science Centre), Cambridge, USA, November 12, 2015.

Description: My work on new mobility ecosystem planning using smart technologies has been awarded for “Special Prize” category as "the unique mobility planning that will change traditional City mobility forecasting and evaluation process”. I developed this unique planning process incorporating emerging innovation technologies to reinvent multimodal mobility demand, assessment, evaluation and implementation procedures into City building process.

3. Recognition of International Charter for Walking, Walk21 - International Pedestrian Charter, Canada Walks, Ontario Communities walkON, City of Oshawa, February~June 2012.

Description: Initiated and led Walkable Oshawa project in collaboration with Ontario Communities walkON and Canada Walks. As a result of Walkable Oshawa recommendations, Oshawa Mayor Henry signed the International Charter for Walking on behalf of Oshawa City Council and the City of Oshawa on Thursday, June 28.

4. Bronze Status of Bicycle Friendly Communities for the City of Oshawa, Share the Road Cycling Coalition, August 2011.

Description: Played an instrumental role to win “Bicycle Friendly Communities Award” for the City of Oshawa, 2011. The Bicycle Friendly Community Award (BFC) Program was launched by the Share the Road Cycling Coalition in Canada in August 2010 in partnership with the Washington based League of American Bicyclists. The BFC Program provides incentives, hands-on assistance, and award recognition for communities that actively support bicycling. Media article at Oshawa Express, Share the Road List, Metroland Durham Region News.

5. Special Achievements: Clean Train Policy, Professional Engineers Ontario, West Toronto Chapter, June 2010.

Description: The paper assesses diesel versus electric train operations and their implications for human and natural environments..

Press release by PEO West Toronto Chapter (Awards and Achievements section): "The Officers and Executive Members of the West Toronto Chapter of the Professional Engineers Ontario wish to thank all on the Clean Train Sub-Committee, who contributed to the preparation of the article "Toward a clean train policy: diesel versus electric", which appears in the June 2010 issue of The Journal of Public Engagement, published by the Ontario Centre for Engineering and Public Policy (OCEPP). Special thanks go to Dewan Masud Karim, P.Eng., and Tariq Shalwani, EIT, for spearheading this project on behalf of the West Toronto Chapter, and the affected members of the public along the Union Station to Pearson Airport, and on to Georgetown rail link." Media article at Steer Davies Gleave.

Academic Achiements/Awards

1. TAC Scholarship, Ryerson University, Transportation Association of Canada, June, 2006,

2. Ryerson Graduate Scholarship, 2004-06,

3. AUTO21 Research Grant, Ryerson University, January, 2004.

4 Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, Ontario, Canada, 2004.

5. Monboshu Scholarship and Research Travel Grant, University of Tokyo, Ministry of Education, Japan, Ministry of Land and Infrastructure, Japan, Department of Engineering, University of Tokyo, October 1998.

6. Monboshu Scholarship, Ministry of Education, Japan; Research Travel Grant, University of Tokyo, 1998.

7. Dean's List award and Academic Merit Scholarship, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), September 1993.