mobility ecosystem

Streets for People: Change the City with Detail City Planning

Recently, the City of London developed most innovative and smartest Official Plan. Adopting detail planning practice, the City unified role of different professionals under one plan "The London Plan" (3). Using "Link" and "Place" concept (1), originally developed in UK and later adopted by Australia and New Zealand, the concept spread across the ocean. As explain by Placemakers "In a Link environment, the design objective is to save time. In a Place, it’s to spend time.". Urbanist Andrés Duany created "Transect" concept and Smart Code Module emerged as standard to replace old link-focus functional street classification system (2). Streets for people or Link-and-Place is based on simple concept of 30 (kmph) by 30 (m right-of-way) that has evolved as street downsizing strategy to align with compact and dense city living ideas (4). Widely known as "streets for people" in Australia, the intention of new street planning is to keep size of streets in human scale and prevents frequent breakdown such as excessive delays, crash-prone potential, environmental degradation and funding trap for maintenance of oversized infrastructures.


1. ‘Link & Place: A Guide to Street Planning and Design’, Peter Jones, Natalya Boujenko and Stephen Marshall, 2007.
2. Smart Code Module:
3. The London Plan, City of London, Ontario, available at
4. Streets for People – Compendium for South Australian Practice: An initiative of the South Australian Active Living Coalition, available at
5. Better Streets: Whatchu whatchu whatchu want?